Capt Sven Magnus Lie

SevenCapt Sven Magnus Lie is a 34 year old Pilot from Norway. He has had 15 years of experience in varying profiles in Aviation. He graduated as a Technician and served thereafter for the Royal Norwegian Air Force from 2000-2001 as Crew Chief Assistant on the F-16 fighter jets.

He has had a very successful career as a specialist Aerial work pilot having flown a total of 2800 hrs of accident-free flying, mainly on the AS 350 B3. Most of his experience is in long-line operations in the mountains.

He has flown specialized operations in many countries, including Greenland, Iceland, and Sweden. He also has experience of flying Long Line Survey Work in India for 02 years.

He has used his creativity, technical skills and flying experience to invent specialized tools, that have been much appreciated and used by Powerline Companies and he is in the process of acquiring patents for them.
He has two toddlers at his home on the outskirts of Hagesund, Norway. His wife is a Neurosurgeon. He loves hanging out with his kids outdoors, and loves to play the guitar in his free time.

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